As a business you have many purchasing options available to you when it comes to acquiring equipment. Equipment financing provides many advantages and benefits that need to be considered before you utilize your cash, bank lines or credit cards. Here’s why more and more businesses are choosing financing as their preferred purchasing strategy:
Preserve Your Cash — In a growing business, maintaining adequate levels of working capital is critical. Lease financing provides capital for equipment so that cash can be used for your critical operating needs.
It's More Convenient — Equipment costs up to $75,000 can be approved in minutes with only an application. No financial statements; no need to visit your bank’s branch office; no long wait.
Get Tax Benefits — Depending on the structure of the lease and your company’s tax position, you can deduct the full monthly lease payment against taxable income. A lease does not contribute to AMT exposure.
100% Fixed Rate Financing — Banks generally require a down payment and force you to open a checking account as well as maintain a minimum balance. Commercial bank loans are also generally priced over the Prime Rate, which can fluctuate during the term of the loan. Equipment financing requires minimal money down and offers you a fixed rate for the entire term of the contract, making it easier for you to budget your equipment expenses.
All-In-One Financing — You can finance your equipment cost, shipping, service and supplies all with one low monthly payment.
It's Fast — Once you submit your credit application, in most cases you will know in less than two hours if you're approved.
It's Affordable — We can design a monthly payment plan to meet almost any budgetary need. Many of our plans do not even require any money down.