Test & Measurement

VLMG has specialized in providing private label financing programs to manufacturers and distributors of test and measurement and scientific instrumentation since our inception in 1990. We currently manage over 100 programs in the instrumentation market.

What Sets Us Apart
VLMG offers solutions to the obstacles that your sales force deals with on a daily basis. How many times have you heard that a Fortune 2000 size customer was unable to move forward with a planned purchase because there was no capital budget available?

Count On Us: VLMG provides a RENTAL program that allows your customer to make payments from an expense budget. The customer is then incentivized to purchase the equipment as soon as their capital budget is approved.

Do you have options for venture backed pre-revenue companies? How about for biotech firms or start-ups?

Count On Us: We offer a special program for these higher risk customers who would normally be unable to obtain financing from banks or traditional leasing companies. By providing this alternative to your customers, your VLMG finance program creates incremental sales for your organization.

Experienced program managers Success Stories: Large Manufacturer Test & Measurement Success Stories: Small Manufacturer Test & Measurement
Malvern Instruments

Our Specialty: Total Package Delivery
VLMG will provide one of our experienced program managers to be the contact person for your sales team and customers. With a complete understanding of your business and program, your program manager will provide excellent and knowledgeable service to your customers and sales team. We will prepare private label rate cards, credit applications, quote forms and marketing materials – all in keeping with your marketing style - to ensure a seamless experience for your customers.

Are you ready to provide your customers with a Proactive Financing Program, Prompt Service, High Approval Ratios, Competitive Rates and Flexible Payment Plans?
Explore the Possibilities…Contact Us!

  • VLMG will arrange a web conference to learn more about your business and to present our program.
  • A custom program - presenting your company as a one stop shop for all of your customer’s needs, will be created by VLMG.
  • Important result: your sales and profits will increase!
Vendor Information Form

Close Success Story

Several years ago a small manufacturer of handheld XRF analyzers who was in business for less than two years, approached VLMG to help them design a private label finance program for their customers.

Our analysis found that:

  • Their sales were under $2 million.
  • Many of their customers were in industries that historically appeared to be risky credits.
  • There was a need for rental options as short as 3 months.

This was an endeavor most financing companies would not have been able to fulfill.

We Got It Done: VLMG designed a program that mitigated the credit risk for all parties. It offered rental options for terms of 3 months to 3 years in addition to standard $1.00 purchase option contracts. We assigned our most experienced program manager to educate the vendor’s sales force and their prospects about the program.

It was slow going at first. In the second year of the program, sales for the manufacturer took off - due in part to the creative financing alternatives VLMG provided to their prospects as well as the diligent work of their program manager.

Financing volume and sales for the company grew in tandem for the next several years

with their sales growing to over $70 million. The manufacturer was able to sell the company to a major scientific company. We were invited to dinner to celebrate the sale. The president of the company told us that night that he believed the sale would not have happened as quickly without VLMG’s custom-designed finance program.

Close Success Story

Many years ago, VLMG met a $1.8 billion international manufacturer of a wide variety of instrumentation at Pittcon. They had a US division that sold Test and Measurement equipment to many industries with customers both large and small. We presented our program to top management and they agreed to move forward with a private label financing program for their customers.

Their sales team was highly experienced and somewhat set in their ways. They did not see the need for a financing program when they had done “just fine” without one for so long. The success or failure of the program rested with our ability to analyze their business and gain their trust.

VLMG needed to help them identify opportunities within their customer base where we could either accelerate the sales process, or provide incremental sales.

They have many Fortune 500 customers who wanted their instrumentation immediately, but who could not move forward because there was no capital budget available.

We Got It Done: Our rental program provided a solution that allowed their customers to make payments from an expense budget, purchasing the instrument as soon as their capital budget was approved.

Their many venture backed pre-revenue prospects who could not obtain financing from traditional lenders was also problematic.

We Got It Done: VLMG created an unusual rental structure that provided these companies with financing for 50% to 70% of the cost of the system they were interested in acquiring.

It was slow going at first. As VLMG began to accelerate the sales process and provide millions of dollars in incremental sales through our proprietary rental program, the salespeople began to embrace the program.

The program is one of our most successful and financing volume continues to grow. Most importantly VLMG has gained the trust of their sales team.